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SSShowcase # 1

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     If you put a gun to my head, gave me ten seconds to live, and one choice to make, I’d say that my inquiry project turned out to be the best piece of writing I did all year.  I felt it was the assignment that I could best pour myself into.  The research writing techniques that we learned helped me to visualize ways that I could implement my personality into my inquiry writing.  In my opinion it’s of the utmost importance if you want to be a good writer, that you know how to put yourself into your work; placing your “stamp” so to speak.

     I was able to put my stamp on this project using the digital essay format.  This allowed me to illustrate some of the ideas I described as well as let me put my humor into the assignment.  Knowing that a good portion of my readers likely don’t have the in-depth basketball knowledge that I have, I feel it helps when I describe a player, or more specifically when I describe what that player was like in high school, and there’s a link to a video right there waiting to back up my descriptions.  Even at the beginning of the piece when I use a strange dramatization of the issue starring both Michelangelo and the Pope, I included a picture of a Michelangelo statue in close proximity to the text to help readers visualize the situation.  Many of the rhetorical decisions I made with this project attempt to help my readers “see” what I'm talking about.  Others, such as the humorous photo captions, were made just because in real life that’s the way I view things.  I used these techniques to try and translate some of my sarcasm into this project, to show people that while yes, I care about this stuff and I did a lot of research, I also don’t take it too seriously.

Showcase # 2

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     I could use plenty of different words to describe my personality, but there are a few that stand out above the rest. While many would be quick to point out “Avery, you’re so cute” or “Avery, you’re so charming”, I’m actually humble sometimes and I’d like to show the world how one of the top five words I’d choose to describe myself best is analytical. 

       My Into the Wild Analysis paper has to make it in to the portfolio to show my readers that when I put my mind to it, I’ve got a hell of a vocabulary, and enough intelligence to do something with it. I chose to use some big words that I'd never use in conversation with my friends, but could definitely use to my advantage in a "fancy pants" paper like this one. Next, I chose an argument for this paper that even you, Ms. Andrews, thought might be pushing it a little bit. The assignment became fun for me because I could take an “outside-the-box” argument and try to spin it the way I wanted it to spin.  It humored me a little bit when I found myself in the paper speaking so strongly about Jon Krakauer and his beliefs when really I’ve never met the guy and don’t know a damn thing about him other than what he wrote in his book.  Another comparison I can use to describe my process was that it was a little like putting the puzzle pieces together, only I got to be in charge of doing the research and making my own pieces (Finding quotes that could be stretched to fit my argument).  I typically hate doing academic forms of writing, but this challenge I presented myself with made it rewarding when I came out with a pretty good final product.

Showcase # 3

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     I can’t properly showcase myself as a writer without using a piece that shows the other side of my personality; not the writing machine, but the human being.  Sarcasm is my first language. I hate busy work; especially when i show up to class in a salty mood. Sometimes I get the chance to put these two qualities together.  Looking back through the old yellow legal pad, it appears that “April 11th, 2013” was one of these chances.

     There was a simple daybook prompt; looking fat and juicy up on the projector screen.  I was sitting in my seat just as salty as ever I suppose, whining about God knows what.  I picked up the pen and just let that “human being” side of me seep out, ooze out, whatever you want to say, it came out. There were no clever thoughts or creative rhetorical decisions.  Not a simile, not a metaphor, and no repetition. No, the response was just raw, hard, grumpiness pouring onto the paper. Sorry plagiarism. I should know there’s more to you. You’re such a sophisticated word; not simply defined by saying “Don’t use other people’s shit.”  Another apology to the kids who commit plagiarism.   I should know better than to wish death upon you guys just for plagiarizing. (Death is bad)  But in my defense, I was grumpy that day. It showed in my writing. (Come on, just go click on it. Click The Piece)

Brandon Jennings,above, taking a break from being discussed in my paper to just "chill" and "sit on the floor"

Here's an example of me making Chris look like he's the man.(He's not even looking at the camera, how cool) Anyways, I hammer Krakauer for doing the same thing in The Piece

Seriously though, I think I was almost as Grumpy as this guy

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